Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

I have shoulder length hair...my haior is frizzy...i normally do a high/medium pony tail...but i want to do a new hair style...so any ideas what i can do with my hair...i also leave them open sometimes as they are naturally curly...i cant straighten them coz then they go busgy/frizzy and dont luk nice, plus i have a round face and straight hair doesnt luk nice on me then...my face luks chubby and flabby then...plz email me or give me a lik to what kind of hair style i can do...

Kind Regards


Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

I would have an inch or 2 taken off the bottom, and get several layers. By creating extra volume on top of the hair, your round face will look less round, more oval.

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

you could make nice ringlets with curling tongs and run some serum through it to make it super glossy.

or you could tie half of your hair up/pin some peices up at the sides...leaving a little down at the front of your face to do some ringlets.

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

have you ever tried raping you hair or braids that is some simple thing what do you do to it in maqybe i can realy help you

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

um i would say to make it curly get a perm!


Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

Scrunch your hair. It workes great with naturally wavy/curly hair. I have side bangs, and i keep them straight when i scrunch my hair. Heres a pic from the internet of someone with scrunched hair.

you can get products from the store that will let you scrunch your hair. Tresemay (sp) Moose works, aussie sprunch spray works, garniea (sp) curling spray gel works. and there are more too.


Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

A really nice 'do' for curly hair is to wear half up and half down. Just scrunch with mousse, take a wide section from each side of your head and pin back with either a hairband, a cute grip or those spring action things with teeth! To make it a bit different you could twist the side sections or even take the top piece back too. Spritz with serum spray to get rid of any crazy strands.

This is a great look for day or night and looks effortless :)

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

cut it?!?

Want to do a new hairstyle...!?

Im The Same Way :} Try Layers In Your Hair Then Straighten It Like At Least 2 Times A Day :D

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