Sunday, June 20, 2010

New hair style!?

hi im lookin for a new hair style im 14 i would like sumthin with like choppy layers and bangs....i have bangs now but there just so i was just wondering if any1 had any good pictures or sumthing...anythin medium and kind along lentgh..i have blonde i was just wondering


New hair style!?

i am in the same position u are!!

I have sidesweep bangs and they look really good...u should try em!! But im getting tired of them so im getting scene hair...its kind of an emo hairstyle but i figure as long as i keep my hair blondish people cant say im going goth!! haha.

for pictures of sidesweep bangs go 2 photobucket and type in "bangs"

and if u wanna see what scene bangs are go 2 photobucket and type in "scene hair"...but just a warning...some of them look pretty scary!!

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